Hotels in Barcelona

717 hotels found

in Barcelona (Town)

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59€ ~ 114per night

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Hotel Comercio *

45€ ~ 63per night

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0per night

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150per night

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96.3€ ~ 181.9per night

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Hostel Sofía

23€ ~ 40per night

Estimated rate

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34€ ~ 99per night

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109€ ~ 715per night

Estimated rate


Hostel Lausanne

36€ ~ 67per night

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Hostel Rembrandt

30€ ~ 49per night

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103€ ~ 215per night

Estimated rate

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30€ ~ 65per night

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Hotel Transit *

42€ ~ 60per night

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Hotel El Cantón *

25€ ~ 52per night

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45€ ~ 120per night

Estimated rate

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Hostel Miret

25€ ~ 52per night

Estimated rate

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215per night

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41€ ~ 200per night

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Hostel Río de Castro

18€ ~ 125per night

Estimated rate

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Located in this point
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Hotel Comercio Hotel information
Hotel Catalonia Roma Hotel information
Hostel Sofía Hotel information
Hostel Hill Hotel information
Hostel Lausanne Hotel information
Hostel Rembrandt Hotel information
Hostel Layetana Hotel information
Hotel Transit Hotel information
Hotel El Cantón Hotel information
Hotel California Hotel information
Hostel Miret Hotel information
Hotel Bonanova Park Hotel information
Hostel Río de Castro Hotel information