Hotels in Madrid

1174 hotels found

in Madrid (Town)

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44€ ~ 94per night

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Hostel Isabel

19€ ~ 30per night

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Hostel Julia

11€ ~ 22per night

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108€ ~ 153per night

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Hostel Gaudí

18€ ~ 39per night

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Hostel Moncloa

42€ ~ 45per night

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31€ ~ 45per night

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30€ ~ 39per night

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35€ ~ 67per night

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Hotel México **

51€ ~ 56per night

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Hostel Los Ángeles

18€ ~ 30per night

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Hostel Cangas

11€ ~ 22per night

Estimated rate

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Hostel Poza

18€ ~ 30per night

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Hostel San Martin

27€ ~ 42per night

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18.79€ ~ 24.58per night

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Located in this point
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Hostel Isabel Hotel information
Hostel Julia Hotel information
Hostel Gaudí Hotel information
Hostel Moncloa Hotel information
Hostel Carabanchel Hotel information
Hotel México Hotel information
Hostel Los Ángeles Hotel information
Hostel Cangas Hotel information
Hostel Poza Hotel information
Hostel San Martin Hotel information
Hotel Etap Madrid Valentin Beato Hotel information
Hotel Infanta Mercedes Hotel information
Albergue Mejía Lequerica Hotel information
Apartment Suites KRIS Aeropuerto Hotel information
Hostel Villademadrid Hotel information